Collecting today’s retail gift forevernostalgia cards is a relatively new and exiting hobby with a huge potential for profit. In fact, history was recently made as one collector has paid more than $10,000 for an expired Starbucks plastic.
The reason they are valuable today is that there aren’t many around, because very, very few people thought to hold on to their empty Starbucks card, especially when the coffee chain wasn’t widely known. That’s why I suggest, when your Wal-Mart or other retailer coupon is used up, that you set them aside and collect them. Your grand kids might one days sell–for big dollars in the future–vintage Best Buy plastic for big dollars.
I suggest keeping exhausted or expired plastic after they’ve served their purpose. In other words: put them aside for safe keeping; don’t toss them in the trash. Target, like other retailers, offer a large number of graphically appealing cards, which, over time, I believe will have significant collectible value. Here’s why: it’s already a proven fact that vintage credit cards, such as an expired American Express 1959 Purple Card (currently worth more than $2,500), are highly prized by collectors. I believe today’s retail gift cards will carry the same nostalgic value as vintage credit cards do now, perhaps even more so!
Check out cards from other retailers to give you a better sense of the broad range of vivid, appealing graphics inherent in supposedly disposable items. I believe retail plastic will have long-lasting appeal as a future collectible. The key is to begin your collection now while they are virtually free, readily available, and easy to collect. All you need to do to start a great collection is to save any cards you are given or purchase and ask your friends and family to give you their used gift cards instead of throwing them away when the money runs out. Once you have a few cards, you can trade them just like kids used to do with baseball cards. I envision that popular retailers that provide cards with interesting or unusual graphics will have more “relative” value than bland or boring cards. Plus, as retailers merge or go out of business and the name becomes “nostalgic” the value of the card will necessarily increase.
It sounds like a lot of fun. And, later, it could result in an interesting and very valuable collection. There seems like no end to the trend and the potential for really unique graphics is unlimited.
Gamers are always genuinely looking the next biggest bargain on either an individual video game or an entire video game system. One of the most popular games out there right now is the Wii bowling that we see being played in nearly everyone’s house it seems nowadays. GameStop even has some great deals on some fairly old games and game systems.
You can really get nostalgic about certain things and how you remember playing this game or that game when you were a kid. You can even find the old Sonic the Hedgehog games for PlayStation. The fact that they are not on Dreamcast or the old Sega Genesis system takes away from their mystique a bit, but the games are certainly still fun and available at Gamestop.
Gamestop angers a lot of teachers and maybe some bosses given their either their student or their employees are playing the games too much. The fact that Gamestop is offering these great deals with these discount cards certainly means that they aren’t going away anytime soon. Gamestop is even successful enough to be a publicly traded company. This is a fact that not many people realize. It takes a certain level of credibility and prestige in the business world in order for your company to become publicly traded. This level of prestige means that those Gamestop discounts cards are likely very popular. Of course the entire entertainment industry has struggled through the recession as a whole generally speaking. A lot of industries have struggled, so those who make video games are not alone when you are talking about lesser earnings.
People simply have less money to spend as inflation increases and the value of the dollar collapses. This is why the idea of Gamestop discount cards is such a good one for Gamestop’s business model.
Final Tip: By researching and comparing you will find the best free gift card online offers, however you are welcome to take advantage of the offers already listed in our website, we have done all the hard work for you.
H. Milla runs the Free Gift Cards Online website – where you can get different gift cards for free. Also, you can trade, sell or buy gift card at 40-50% discounted prices. Visit for further information and take advantage of our current promotions of well known brands like WalMart, JCPenney, PlasticJungle and several others.