Eczema is an unpleasant 濕疹根治 inflammation of the skin, which is more common in infants and children, as well as in millions of adults. This usually occurs on the neck, face, arms and legs, often in the folds of the skin, for example, on the inside of the elbow or behind the ears. It is not contagious or caused by a viral or bacterial infection, although it looks very similar to it. In fact, health care providers don’t know the exact cause. However, treatment for eczema is still possible if you focus on alleviating symptoms and strengthening the immune system, even if the cause is unknown.
Possible causes
Scientists have recently identified a gene that can make people prone to eczema. However, having a gene does not necessarily mean that someone will have an outbreak. Environmental factors cause irritation, and the weakened immune system makes this condition problematic and requires treatment for eczema.
In particular, eczema is associated with allergies, including food allergens, dust mites, wool, nickel and cosmetics. It is known that rapid temperature changes, sweating and dry skin also contribute to the outbreak. However, in most cases, the main cause is a weakened immune system, usually caused by stress. Stress weakens the immune system and causes many biological problems.
Treatment of eczema
The most common response to the treatment of eczema by Western doctors is the appointment of locally action cortisone. Steroids have a very good reputation in the fight against inflammatory skin diseases, but treating eczema is expensive. Steroids also suppress the immune system, and while they can be effective in treating the area of inflammation, they interfere with the body’s natural ability to heal and are potentially harmful when overused. Some people also react badly to cortisone creams and may even make the situation worse.
Also to relieve symptoms prescribe creams made of charcoal resin. They are more harmless than glucocorticosteroids, but have been successfully used for years.
Natural treatment for eczema
The good news is that eczema treatment can be done naturally and inexpensively. Overcoming this condition is a two-part process; directly treat inflammation and strengthen the immune system, helping to fight diseases.
The outbreak should be treated with caution, using moisturizers without fragrances and other stimuli. It has been proven that coconut oil is effective, as is the cream with aloe vera, which has some anti-inflammatory properties. A few drops of tea tree oil mixed with a little cream with vitamin E are also an excellent remedy for eczema. Both evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil have a positive effect and can be taken both externally and inward as a food additive. The sun or solar lamp is also used for a positive effect in the fight against the epidemic.
If this occurs on the body, the first effective step in the treatment of eczema is to take a warm (but not too hot) bath with English salt, which acts as a drying and anti-inflammatory agent. Of course, this is not possible if the flash occurs on the face, but on the neck it can be treated in this way. After bathing, wipe the body with a soft towel and immediately apply the lotion while the skin is still moist.
When it comes to strengthening the immune system, any stress reduction program can help. Watch yoga, meditation or even just take a deep breath every day to relieve tension. Massage and exercise also perfectly reduce stress. Often points to internal health problems. When eczema worsens, now is a great time to explore your lifestyle and see what changes you can make to improve your overall health.
Eczema is a very common disease all over the world. Although there is no known known cause or treatment, it can usually be controlled by local applications that reduce swelling and strengthen the immune system to prevent further outbreaks. Children and infants are often affected, but in many cases it is a temporary condition that completely passes for several years.
What are the causes of eczema? In this article I will talk about atopic eczema, a genetic disease. However, external factors can certainly make the situation worse.
Eczema as a genetic disease
Studies show that the cause of atopic eczema is largely genetic. Unfortunately, the exact genetic cause has not yet been found.
If a person with atopic eczema has a child, this child has a high probability of proper development of the disease. Studies have shown that almost two thirds of children of parents with atopic eczema themselves fall ill with the disease. If both parents have the disease, the probability that the child will become ill is about 4 out of 5.
Allergies and eczema
Atopic eczema can be exacerbated by a number of environmental factors. For example, if a person is allergic to a certain substance, it can cause an allergic reaction that causes the body to react abnormally. Pollen, pets and dust mites are examples of common allergens.
It is also known that there are a number of food allergies that exacerbate atopic eczema. These include products such as milk, nuts, eggs, wheat and soy. About one in ten children reacts poorly to these products, although foods rarely cause eczema in adults.
Other factors that can cause eczema
There are also a number of other causes that can cause eczema…
Hormones. Changes in hormones during a woman’s menstrual cycle can cause an exacerbation of eczema. Nearly a third of women experience eczema symptoms a few days before menstruation. In addition, about half of all pregnant women believe that their eczema worsens during pregnancy.
Stress – it is known that stress can contribute to eczema, but it is unclear exactly how. However, sometimes it is the other way around: eczema can cause stress.
Exercise. Some people believe that intense exercise can exacerbate the symptoms of eczema because sweat irritates the skin.
Seasons. Many people believe that the symptoms of eczema worsen in winter, but improve in the summer.
If you, like me, had lower back pain, you’ve probably heard of sciatica and sciatica. If this nerve is irritated by a bulging disc, the pain can be very severe. But what is ishias, what are the symptoms and what are the causes of this painful condition?
According to Wikipedia, sciatica is a set of symptoms, including pain, which can be caused by general compression and/or irritation of any of the five nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve, or compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve itself. . When these nerves are “pinched,” the pain can come from the waist and buttocks all over the leg to the feet. In my case, the pain reached my toes. feeling, sometimes cold. This was accompanied by pain; which I believe can be unbearable. There are several reasons: hernia, spinal stenosis, lifestyle, pear-shaped muscle, trigger points and pregnancy. I’ll talk about each of these reasons in other articles in detail. It is important to remember that if the lower back pain spreads down the leg and it does not go away, see your doctor. But how to prevent and/or cure lower back pain? How to get rid of pain and continue your life? The answer is to strengthen the back and the press. One of the most popular programs is the “Get rid of Back Pain” program, developed by therapists and doctors of the Institute of Healthy Back. This program has helped thousands of people build muscle mass and correct muscle imbalances. As someone who has suffered from back pain and has undergone several months of physiotherapy and surgery, I can tell you that there are solutions to your discomfort.
Buck stays here! You deserve to be relieved of back pain and life without pain. There are alternatives to suffering and surgery. As someone suffering from debilitating back pain, I think you have a duty to know all the facts for your own sake.