The internet has led to many people being Computer Store inseparable with their computers. Have you gone on a vacation or on a business trip and your laptop breaks down? or what do you think you would do if your laptop breaks down and you are away from home? Your computer could also get infected with spyware or a virus while you are looking for information online. Just imagine you have taken pictures or videos for your trip and you have downloaded them in your laptop so you can take more only for something to happen to your computer. There are some computer stores that can be of help.
If your laptop can still boot then it could be a virus infection or a software problem and you will only need to request for a technician’s appointment from the local computer store to visit your hotel room or residence. Ensure that you explain the problem to the technician so that they can easily understand the situation that caused your problem. Don’t fear that by revealing all details, the technician will increase the charges because he will eventually know all the problems when troubleshooting. Some technicians tend to underestimate the likely causes of your trouble so that they don’t alarm you.
Computer stores location in your holiday destination of choice are an important aspect that is worth knowing especially if you take your laptop with even on vacations. Google search engine is very handy in this regard. Most stores are manned by qualified personnel who can be of great help in your moment of need. They undertake repairs and maintenance on any problem imaginable. If you have to get your machine checked out, it is important that you have a rough idea of the charges of that particular computer store. This will help in avoiding embarrassments and inconveniences.
It is also important to remember that not all repair jobs can be done on site. This is because some of them might require the facilities found in a computer store. Technicians also prefer to carry out repairs in the computer store because this allows for a more in depth analysis which might even reveal some more problems.
I will never forget the day in 1995 when I got a phone call from Houston, telling me that my mom had committed suicide. The moment I heard, it was like I stepped outside of myself and thought “I’m going to be very upset. I am in shock now but I am going to be falling apart soon. I had better do as much of what will need to be done before this really hits me and I can’t do anything.” I arranged my flight to Houston. I packed. As I packed my laptop computer, I had the strange thought “what if my computer dies on this trip? I better bring a backup of the hard disk.” I actually made and packed a backup of the hard disk. That is the only trip I have ever taken where I did that. It is also the only trip I ever took where it turned out I needed such a backup.
The next day I was in Houston at my mother’s house, and turned on my laptop to look up numbers of relatives and friends and start making a string of calls I dreaded making. My computer attempted to give me a reprieve from the task. It died while booting. It would not boot. My grief was starting to set in, but I was still competent, so I started phoning computer stores, seeking one that could put a new hard disk in my laptop and restore the backup I brought with me. Most of the stores I reached didn’t’ do their own in-house repairs. Some said they could do what I needed within about a week. I didn’t have a week.
Finally I called a new store called Micro Center. I asked if they did computer repairs in their store. They did. I asked to speak to the person in charge of repairs. A man answered the phone, and I told him that my mother had committed suicide yesterday, and that I had flown to town and my laptop died while booting. I told him that I needed to call relatives for the memorial service, and asked if there was any chance that someone could work on my laptop within a day or two. He put me on hold and got the store manager.
When the store manager picked up the phone, I told her the story. She told me to come down to the store right away and ask for her. I was at the store 20 minutes later, and she brought me back into the technician area. She took one of the computer technicians off the job he was doing and asked him to see if he could boot my laptop. She took another technician off what he was doing and asked him to start restoring my backup of my contact files to one of the computers they had there in the shop. She told me that if the first guy didn’t get the laptop fixed in short order, I was welcome to make calls from there until he swapped out the disk and restored my backup to the new disk.
Within 30 minutes the first technician fixed the boot problem. It was some problem in the CMOS, and he had fixed it unbelievably fast. I wasn’t even going to need my backup disk. They wrote up a service ticket and I thanked them from the bottom of my heart. I went and stood on line at the cash register, expecting to (gratefully) pay somewhere between $50 and $100 for the half an hour that two great technicians just spent helping me.
The lines at all the registers were long. I guess there was a big sale that day. I’m not sure. Those types of things were not in my awareness that day. After a few minutes on line, I got to the cash register, and handed the girl the piece of paper the technicians had given me. She looked at the paper, and then at me, with a confused look. “There’s no charge,” she said. “It’s warranty service.” Tears came to my eyes. I thanked her. On that day when it seemed no one could give me anything that mattered, someone had.
A couple of years later, a Micro Center store opened in the Boston area, less than 10 miles from where I live. You can bet I was one of their first customers. And from the experiences I have had in shopping there for the last 10 years, I would say that the amazing service I got the day after my mom died was and is not out of place in the culture of that company.
Micro Center now not only sells all the major brands of computers, and it not only finds and offers the best accessories at the best bargain prices, it also now sells a line of its own desktop PCs, with the best service plan in the business, and price/performance ratio that is better than any other national brand. So now that you have read this, make sure your next computer-related shopping trip is to Micro Center. You will be glad you did.